Coronavirus update

Pharmacy FAQs

Prime Therapeutics continue to monitor the COVID-19 coronavirus situation across the country. We know our members rely on us to get their medicine. We stand ready to meet their needs.

Now that COVID-19 vaccines are becoming more readily available throughout the country, our primary goal is to help ensure appropriate coverage of approved vaccines when they become available, consistent with applicable regulatory guidance. Prime is working with health plans to ensure all members can access vaccines at a nearby pharmacy or other providers. Members should continue to check or their health plan’s website for vaccine coverage options and instructions.

As a company, we are fortunate to have technology that allows us to do our work remotely and employees who are dedicated to serving our members and safeguarding our communities. Most of our employees were transitioned to work from home in March 2020 and we expect to continue working in that manner for the immediate future.

If you are a member seeking information about coverage and benefits, please see for information about your specific health plan.