Resources - Pharmacy and provider
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Prime's MAC list is inclusive of multi-sourced drugs that are reimbursed at an upper limit per unit price. Our MAC list is reviewed and updated weekly. Online access provides you the information you need, easily and quickly.

Prime Therapeutics Specialty Network(s) is for medications used to treat complex or rare conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C or hemophilia.  Covered persons can obtain these types of medications from participating pharmacy providers.  You can request access to these lists based on pharmacy's participation.

Prime Therapeutics Compound Fee Schedule is a flat fee per unit reimbursement for compound ingredients.

Specialty Base Rate List for Specialty Prescription Drug Services provided in accordance to Prime's Pharmacy Match Network. You can request access to this list based on pharmacy's participation in the network.

The ERA or 835 is an electronic file which provides claim payment information in the HIPAA compliant 835 ASC X12N/005010X221A1 version.

EFT is a secure method of payment by which funds are electronically transferred directly into a specified bank account.

List of drugs used to determine if a pharmacy is in compliance with Prime’s Credentialing Threshold.